
16 March 2019

3PAR Procedures - Replace Disk, Remove Disk & Change Disk Position - Rebalance

In the first Post of the year I will show you three procedures regarding disk failure, remove a disk from the CPG and rebalance disk position in a 3PAR array.
  • Replace a failed disk in 3PAR
    • Objective: Remove failed disk and replace with a new one
  • Remove disks from the CPG and rebalance the data
    • Objective: Remove a disk from the 3PAR. The disk will be in New state and you can use it in another 3PAR
  • Change disk position in 3PAR so you can rebalance data in the array
    • Objective: Maximize performance of your array when you upgrade the 3PAR with new cages or disks

Let's see how to do this three procedures.