The tools available at the moment: (I'm only going to describe Powershell and MigAZ)
I'm not actually present you the Advantages of eah one, but you can see that on the following link:
Lets start with Powershell! And then with MigAZ.
PowerShell Migration
Supported resources for migration
- Virtual Machines
- Availability Sets
- Cloud Services
- Storage Accounts
- Virtual Networks
- VPN Gateways
- Express Route Gateways (in the same subscription as Virtual Network only)
- Network Security Groups
- Route Tables
- Reserved IPs
Supported scopes of migration
- Migration of virtual machines. Only in cloud services (NOT in a virtual network)
- Migration of virtual machines (in a virtual network)
- Storage accounts
- Unattached resources (Network Security Groups, Route Tables & Reserved IPs)
Not Supported
- Unassociated virtual machine disks
- Virtual machine images
- Endpoint ACLs
- Virtual network with both ExpressRoute Gateway and VPN Gateway
- ExpressRoute with authorization links
- Application Gateway (remove before migration)
- Virtual networks using VNet Peering
- Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
- Multiple subnets associated with a VM
- Virtual machines that belong to a virtual network but don't have an explicit subnet assigned
- Virtual machines that have alerts, Autoscale policies
- XML VM extensions (BGInfo 1.*, Visual Studio Debugger, Web Deploy, and Remote Debugging)
- Cloud services that contain web/worker roles
- Virtual networks that contain App Service environments
- Virtual networks that contain Azure AD Domain services
- Virtual networks that contain Azure RemoteApp deployments
Validate the Migration
The validate operation is the first step in the migration process. The goal of this step is to analyze data in the background for the resources under migration and return success/failure if the resources are capable of migration.
You select the virtual network or the hosted service (if it’s not a virtual network) that you want to validate for migration.+
- If the resource is not capable of migration, the Azure platform lists all the reasons for why it’s not supported for migration.
Prepare the Migration
The prepare operation is the second step in the migration process. The goal of this step is to simulate the transformation of the IaaS resources from classic to Resource Manager resources and present this side by side for you to visualize.
- If the resource is not capable of migration, the Azure platform stops the migration process and lists the reason why the prepare operation failed.
- If the resource is capable of migration, the Azure platform first locks down the management-plane operations for the resources under migration. For example, you are not able to add a data disk to a VM under migration.
Abort the Migration
Abort is an optional step that you can use to revert your changes to the classic deployment model and stop the migration. This operation cannot be executed after you have triggered the commit operation
Commit the Migration
After you finish the validation, you can commit the migration. Resources do not appear anymore in classic and are available only in the Resource Manager deployment model. The migrated resources can be managed only in the new portal.
- Uninstall BGInfo extension in the new portal or by powershell
Get-AzureVM -ServiceName "cloudservice" -name "vmname" | Set-AzureVMBGInfoExtension | Update-AzureVM
$VM1 = Get-AzureVM -ServiceName "cloudservice" -Name "vmname"
Set-AzureVMBGInfoExtension -VM $VM1 –Uninstall -ReferenceName "BGInfo" | Update-AzureVM
- Uninstall Protection Agent in the new portal or by powershell
$VM1 = Get-AzureVM -ServiceName "cloudservice" -Name "vmname"
Set-AzureVMExtension -VM $VM1 –Uninstall -ReferenceName "VMSnapshot" -ExtensionName "VMSnapshot" -Publisher "Microsoft.Azure.RecoveryServices" -Version "1.0" | Update-AzureVM
You can see more details on the following link:
- Unregister and delete protected content in the Vault containers (if you have any)
In backup vault, go to Protected Items tab and select the VM. Click on Stop Protection. Leave Delete associated backup data option unchecked. In the Azure portal, go to the Extensions menu for the VM and uninstall the VMSnapshot/VMSnapshotLinux extension. After the migration you have to recreate the Vault and all the Backup Jobs.
- Disable automation (if you have). You don't want to migrate several virtual machines and in the meantime all of them are rebooting or changing types because you had an automation script.
- Take note of all the Virtual Machines Endpoints before migration because you will lose visibility of them after migration.
1. Connect to Azure
- Install the latest version of Azure PowerShell -->
Install-Module AzureRM
Import-Module AzureRM
Get-Module AzureRM -list | Select-Object Name,Version,Path
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
- Ensure that you are co-administrator for the subscription in Azure Classic portal
- Sign in to your account for the ARM model
Get-AzureRMSubscription | Sort SubscriptionName | Select SubscriptionName
Select-AzureRmSubscription –SubscriptionName "NAME"
- Register the provider for the migration
Get-AzureRmResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.ClassicInfrastructureMigrate
- Now sign in to your account for the classic ASM model (continue only if the result of previous command is Registered)
Get-AzureSubscription | Sort SubscriptionName | Select SubscriptionName
Select-AzureSubscription –SubscriptionName "NAME"
- Make sure you have enough Azure Resource Manager Virtual Machine cores in the Azure region of your current deployment or VNET
2. Migration of virtual machines. Only in cloud services without VNET
- Select your Service
$serviceName = "CLOUD_SERVICE"
$deployment = Get-AzureDeployment -ServiceName $serviceName
$deploymentName = $deployment.DeploymentName
- Validate to see if there are any issues
- Prepare the migration
Move-AzureService -Prepare -ServiceName $serviceName -DeploymentName $deploymentName -CreateNewVirtualNetwork
- After the Prepare operation succeeds with either of the preceding options, query the migration state of the VMs. Ensure that they are in the Prepared state.
$vm = Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $serviceName -Name $vmName
- Commit (if everithing looks good on the new portal) or Abort the operation
Move-AzureService -Commit -ServiceName $serviceName -DeploymentName $deploymentName
NOTE: This procedure will create a new VNET for the migrated virtual machine. You can add or change it after migration succeeded.
NOTE: This is an idempotent operation. If it fails, it is recommended that you retry the operation. If it continues to fail, create a support ticket.
3. Migration of virtual machines with VNET
- Select your Network Name (VNET). All the virtual machines associated with this network will be migrated
$vnetName = "NETWORK_NAME"
- Validate to see if there are any issues
- Prepare the migration
If you get this error, please retry the operation and check if you have the latest Powershell tools:
Move-AzureVirtualNetwork : XrpVirtualNetworkMigrationError : Template ITSSRV-SQL04-Template deployment failed.CorrelationId=51369df7-a3be-4dd4-a46e-9b6feba731deAt line:1 char:1+ Move-AzureVirtualNetwork -Prepare -VirtualNetworkName $vnetName+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ CategoryInfo : CloseError: (:) [Move-AzureVirtualNetwork], ComputeCloudException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.ServiceManagement.IaaS.Network.MoveVirtualNetworkCommand
Virtual Machines that are not in a classic Virtual Network are stopped deallocated in this phase of migration. If all the resources are OK in the new portal you can commit. If you see any issues, you can always abort the migration and go back to the classic deployment model. After you go back, the Azure platform will open the management-plane operations on the resources so that you can resume normal operations on those VMs in the classic deployment model.
- Commit or Abort the operation
Move-AzureVirtualNetwork -Abort-VirtualNetworkName $vnetNamePS
Move-AzureVirtualNetwork -Commit -VirtualNetworkName $vnetName
NOTE: This is an idempotent operation. If it fails, it is recommended that you retry the operation. If it continues to fail, create a support ticket.
4. Storage Accounts
After all the IaaS resources have been migrated, you should migrate the associated storage accounts.
- Validate of there are disks not attached to any VM. If preceding command returns disks then ensure that virtual machines to which these disks are attached are migrated before migrating the storage account.
Get-AzureDisk | where-Object {$_.MediaLink.Host.Contains($storageAccountName)} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty AttachedTo -Property DiskName | Format-List -Property RoleName, DiskName
Get-AzureDisk | where-Object {$_.MediaLink.Host.Contains($storageAccountName)} | Format-List -Property DiskName
- If above command returns disks then delete these disks using following command
Remove-AzureDisk -DiskName 'DISK_NAME'
- Verify if there are any images on the storages
Get-AzureVmImage | Where-Object { $_.OSDiskConfiguration.MediaLink -ne $null -and $_.OSDiskConfiguration.MediaLink.Host.Contains($storageAccountName)} | Select-Object -Property ImageName, ImageLabel
Get-AzureVmImage | Where-Object {$_.DataDiskConfigurations -ne $null -and ($_.DataDiskConfigurations | Where-Object {$_.MediaLink -ne $null -and $_.MediaLink.Host.Contains($storageAccountName)}).Count -gt 0 } | Select-Object -Property ImageName, ImageLabel
- If there are, delete all the VM images returned by above commands using preceding command:
Remove-AzureVMImage -ImageName 'IMAGE_NAME'
- Migrate the storage account (one by one)
$storageAccountName = 'STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME'
Move-AzureStorageAccount -Prepare -StorageAccountName $storageAccountName
Move-AzureStorageAccount -Abort -StorageAccountName $storageAccountName
Move-AzureStorageAccount -Commit -StorageAccountName $storageAccountName
All done! Your IaaS infrastructure is now migrated to the new Portal. All the items in the old portal are gone. Happy Azure!
5. Notes
- You need to create new NSG (Network Security Groups) for all the endpoints and for all the Virtual Machines that you took note before. So if you have ports 80and 443 open in one Virtual Machine in classic mode you will need to create a NSG with that ports. The old Endpoint are not visible on the ARM portal
- Everything that is migrated will be in a dedicated Resource Group called "*-Migrated". You can change afterwords the Resource Group. No, you can't rename RG yet... This powershell commands can let you move resources between RG:
$reource = Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceName azdcs0102 -ResourceGroupName RG-Migrated
Move-AzureRmResource -DestinationResourceGroupName azproef01 -ResourceId
- Create a recovery services vault and configure backup on the migrated virtual machine using Backup action on top of vault dashboard. Recreate all the Backup jobs that you had in the old portal
- Activate Automation if you disabled it before migration.
- List of some common errors are described in this Microsoft article:
MigAZ Migration
You can download the latest version in
As I'm writing, the version is
One of the peculiarities of this application is that it can migrate ASM to ARM and ARM to ARM. So you can use it to migrate IaaS resources from one ARM subscription to another.
This tool is Open Source and its operation is very simple, it uses Service Manager REST API, to collect all the information of Network, Storage and VMs and after this, all this data is exported to a .json file so that it can be deployed In the ARM model.
Supported resources for migration
- Virtual Machines
- Availability Sets
- Cloud Services
- Storage Accounts
- Virtual Networks
- Public IPs
- Load Balancers
Supported scopes of migration
- Migrate ASM to ARM
- Migrate ARM to ARM
- Only Virtual Machines, VNETs and Storage accounts
- Only VNETs
- Only Storage Accounts
- Combination of resources
Not Supported
- All that is not listed is not supported
- Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012, or later
- .Net Framework 4.0 or higher
- Latest Azure PowerShell Module -->
- Login credentials at source Azure subscription
- Login credentials at destination Azure subscription
- Stop all the Virtual Machines to be migrated! Because this tool will create a snapshot and then migrate the data between Blobs. The disks of the source virtual machines are copies using a one-time-only snapshot. If customers are still using the source virtual machines after the copy, then data will be lost during the switchover.
1. Change options and Connect
- Change the naming suffixes (this is optional but very useful). If you don't change any, the names will be the same in the ARM portal.
- As you can see, there is also a option to build an empty environment on the ARM portal. This is very useful if you want to replicate your configuration or to test something. The option for select all dependencies is enabled by default. So, if you migrate a VM, it will automatically select the storage account and VNET of the VM.
- Connect using the Classic ASM credentials and select the Tenant and Subscription
2. Select Resources to Migrate
- Select Virtual Machines, Storage, VNETs or the entire ASM portal
- Change the proprieties of the Virtual Machine
- Name of the new Resource Group and Location
- Target VNET and Subnet
- If you choose several VMs to migrate, be careful with all the options, mainly the storage accounts.
3. Export the configurations and Execute
- Export to a defined location. You will have a .json file with all the ASM configurations and it will open a web page with all the command that you will need to execute. Let's see for instance this one:
- Login and choose subscription
Login-AzureRmAccount -SubscriptionId 'SUBS' -TenantId 'XXX'
Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId 'SUBS'
- Create new Resource Groups
New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name "RES_GROUP" -Location "westeurope"
- Create all the Resources that you selected
New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -TemplateFile "export.json" -ResourceGroupName "RES_GROUP"
This will result in an error. This is expected since the disks are not copied yet.
- Copy disks between Blobs
& '<Location_Of_MigAZ>\BlobCopy.ps1' -ResourcegroupName "RES_GROUP" -DetailsFilePath "copyblobdetails.json" -StartType StartBlobCopy
& '<Location_Of_MigAZ>\BlobCopy.ps1' -ResourcegroupName "RES_GROUP" -DetailsFilePath "copyblobdetails.json" -StartType MonitorBlobCopy
The disks start copying do ARM portal:
This can take several hours. You can expect like 500MB in one minute. So you can transfer 1TB in 33 hours. This speeds may vary! One thins is for sure, it will only transfer blocks of data and not empty blocks. So if you have 1TB of disk and only using 200GB, it will only trsnafer 200GB.
- Again, create all the Resources that you selected, but this time with the disks already copied
New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -TemplateFile "export.json" -ResourceGroupName "RES_GROUP"
- Very that everything is OK on the new Portal. Start a VM and see that everything is working.
4. Post-Migration
- Because the tool creates a Load Balancer matching each Cloud Service, after the migration is complete, you need to change the DNS records that were pointing to the Cloud Service DNS name or IP to point to the new Load Balancer DNS name or IP
- The Public IP address change, so you will need to reconfigure the On-Premises VPN. Same for VNET-to-VNET configurations
- You can keep the .JSON file as a backup
- The MigAZ copy files, so you will have all the data replicated between portals. You must delete all the Classic resources already migrated.
That's it!
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